Many ways to go, only you can decide
to pick one, which can put you on either side
Maze is what it looks like, confusing to the bone
A game you play in here, to put things back as they were
A house of cards, a gush of wind
a deck of cards, and no wind
A house of straw, the mighty wolf breaths out
a stack of straw, the pigs runaway
Go straight, go right
go left, go wherever u might
Chaos what hits you, in your head
tears trickle down from your face
You let out a large roar, a scream
you break down, you look back
You find no-one, you find yourself alone
all alone, left at your own mercy
You keep a lookout for familiarity,
you stay still, you stay frozen
Your eyes speak a thousand words,
your lips lay dead and blue
You look up at the sky, dark blue with shining stars
cool wind blows through your hair, it blows on your face
composure is what you try to gain, and you wish to feel no pain
Adversities hit you hard, but a new found courage inside you
helps you withstand.
You wonder where it came from, has it been there always
you look up, you think whether god exists
Can an atheist tell?
you look at the moon, shining its bright white light
you look at the stars, twinkling away in the dark blue sky
you look at the sand, it says a story of sadness
sadness of bad dreams, sadness of failure
sadness of losing someone, sadness of not reaching someone
sadness of a wilting flower, sadness of a dried up river
sadness in your bones, sadness in your voice
Heavens open their doors to happiness
raindrops fall down with gentleness
some touch your face, some mix with your trickling tears
you wake up from your dream
flowers begin to bloom
rivers are filled up again
your dried up throat gets moist again
your bones sing a happy tune
you find all that you had lost, facing you
same as you are, same as you were