Saturday, October 20, 2007

Out Of Exile...

Its been long since I set foot in this sand
felt kinda cold, felt like no man's land

Emerging out of my strange exile
I don't really know if it was worthwhile

A race against time, a race against me
it was nothing but living with zeal

Feet are digging in fast
trying to grip, trying to last

Dungeons and forests, the mist and the caves
sleeping bats, hiding mice, all will live

Creepers and swamps, but no crocs
survived that, without a shock

A new day, a new dawn
the sun has risen upon

Who knows what will come through
who knows If I grew....



kyamaloom said...

really good one..
the mood was quite nice..:)

keep it up..;)

Anonymous said...

Awesome KD! Like it make sure you keep me posted...Thanx and keep up the good work!