Saturday, March 10, 2007


How many times,
have you picked up your cellphone
and wanted to call someone,
but restrained for some strange reason

How many times,
have you gone across brilliant book titles
picked up one,
but didn't read after a few pages

How many times,
have you bought something to eat,
thats your favourite, but
is lying in the fridge for ages

How many times,
have you picked up your diary and a pen
and decided, from today you'll start writing
but never did...

How many times,
have you wondered, how certain things
make sense to others while
you don't understand a shit...

How many times...
will you try to answer questions
which have been never answered...



SillySneha said...

i love it!!
i stole it!!!

kyamaloom said...

Its really nice..I love it...!!!
Good work.. Ketan..
